How to Restrict Access to Electronic Documents

You need to ensure that your sensitive files and confidential business proposals, as well as personal information about customers and employees is protected. This means that you must ensure they are not accessible to anyone other than the individuals you have given permission to view them and that they cannot be printed, copied or modified.

The ideal solution is to use a document management software to assist with limiting access to electronic documents. A well-designed document management system should include audit trails and monitors to identify suspicious activity. It also stops people who are on people from committing fraud by using firm passwords and usernames to gain access to private company email accounts or sensitive areas of the system. This will stop them from copying your protected files to USB gadgets and then distributing them to other unauthorized locations.

Click the Permissions icon in order to limit access to a specific document. You’ll be able select from a list if access levels. For instance, you could grant Ranjit permission to read documents, but not alter it. When you have done this the document will show with a message saying that it is managed by rights and it requires permission to view it.

You can also restrict access to the entire case in which a filing is made by submitting an application to seal or cover the case. If the court accepts your request, all the documents in the case will remain secret until you decide to open them.

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